What to do if the carrot website has disappeared

Big Carrot Bunny
Image via Pixabay.com

The last 3 days the websites from Carrot.com were unavailable, for 3 hours each day. The instruction will help your VA understand what to do in such a situation.

Table of Contents

VA Instruction

Did you edit the carrot website and it disappeared? Good news. You didn't crash the Internet. You didn't crash Carrot.com. You didn't even crash your website. Everything is OK. It's just that sometimes websites are unavailable for technical reasons.

Step 1. First, you need to find out which side has the problem, yours or Carrot.com's. Try opening other websites, such as Google.com. If it works, the problem does not seem to be on your side.

Step 2. Next, you need to make sure that the problem is on the Carrot.com side. Go to the status page of carrot websites:


Find the "Uptime" section. There may be periods where the graph drops from 100% to 0% as it did in the last few days:

Carrot.com Uptime Screenshot
System Metrics via Status.carrot.com

If so, then everything is fine. The problem is on the Carrot.com side. You don't need to do anything, Carrot.com developers are already working on fixing this problem.

Step 3. But if in the last hours and days the status of carrot websites is ok, then maybe the problem is only with your website. If the problem hasn't gone away within 5-10 minutes, you should report it to the Carrot Help Center:

Screenshot via Help.carrot.com

Click on Start Chat and make a request:

  • Include the address of your website
  • What's not working
  • The time of the problem
  • And your time zone.


If you have an RSS reader, sign up for status updates of carrot websites:

Also, set up a free service to monitor the availability of any of your websites at UptimeRobot.com. The service will send you an Email within minutes of your website becoming unavailable. When the website becomes available again, the service will send you another Email.

Information about your websites crashes will help you not to start large-scale work on the website during a crash - publishing articles, sending Emails to the subscription list, buying PPC ads,...


I am not an official Carrot.com representative or user of the Carrot website. Take "VA Instructions" as it is.

If you use another website builder, create your instruction based on my instructions. To do this, change the links in the instructions to those provided by the website builder.


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